SBT Examples
These examples presume you have SBT installed from
Hello World
Excute a scala source file with SBT.
File Layout
object HelloWorld extends App {
println("Hi Martin!")
SBT commands
sbt run
sbt run
- compiles any scala files in the directory.
- packages the files into a jar.
- executes the jar file with the presumption that one class has def main(args: String)
function defined.
Use specific version of SBT
Show how to use a specific version of SBT in a project.
File Layout
SBT commands
- checks for version of SBT in ./project/
- downloads the version specifed or uses the default one installed globally if no properties present.
- launches a sbt shell that you can now issue commands to such as run
Set name and version of project
Show how to set the packaged jar version and name of the jar.
File layout
name := "hello"
version := "1.0.1"
organization := "com.scala"
object HelloWorld extends App {
println("Hi Martin!")
SBT commands
sbt package
sbt package
- outputs a jar in target to /target/scala-2.12/hello_2.12-1.0.1.jar
Add dependency
Show how to add a jar dependency
File layout
name := "hello"
version := "1.0.1"
organization := "com.scala"
librayDependencies += "ch.qos.logback" % "logback-classic" % "0.9.28"
object HelloWorld extends App {
println("Hi Martin!")
is aSettingsKey[Seq[ModuleId]]
, it comes prepopulated withorg.scala-lang:scala-library:2.12.4
adds a library dependency to theSeq[ModuleID]
and sets it in theSettingsKey
is automatically converted to aGroupId
and has the function%
which takes an artifact string"logback-classic"
and returns aGroupArtifact
.- Finally to make it a
it needs a version and this is added with the%
function of theGroupArtifact
Cross build for different versions of scala
Show how to cross build for different versions of Scala.
File layout
name := "hello"
version := "1.0.1"
organization := "com.scala"
crossScalaVersions := Seq("2.11.2", "2.12.2")
object HelloWorld extends App {
println("Hi Martin!")
SBT commands
sbt "+ package"
sbt "+ package"
- outputs a version 2.12
jar /target/scala-2.12/hello_2.12-1.0.1.jar
- outputs a version 2.11
jar /target/scala-2.12/hello_2.11-1.0.1.jar
Prevent SBT including test dependencies
Show how adding a configuration % test
to the ModuleId
prevents it from being included when building a fat jar.
File layout
name := "hello"
version := "1.0.1"
organization := "com.scala"
librayDependencies += "org.scalatest" %% "scalatest" % "3.0.4" % "test"
object HelloWorld extends App {
println("Hi Martin!")
Show how to run command line tools
To define custom tasks, the taskKey
function is used to generate a TaskKey[T]
Then the actual code to be run can be set on the task using the :=
Determines the current git commit SHA
File layout
import scala.sys.process.Process
val head = taskKey[String]("Determines the current git commit SHA")
head := Process("git rev-parse head").lineStream.head
object HelloWorld extends App {
println("Hi Martin!")
SBT commands
- loads up the head
task defined in the build.sbthead
- Runs the defined head
task and assigns the first line result, this being the commit SHA
Show details including version about sbt
Shows the following:
- version of sbt
- what version of scala is built against
- shows available plugins
SBT commands
sbt about
sbt about
- Outputs [info] This is sbt 1.0.3
Set scalac options in sbt
Show how to set scalac
File layout
scalacOptions := Seq("-deprecation")
object Main extends App {
@deprecated("remove this in method", "1.0.0")
def hello() = println("Hello Martin")
SBT commands
sbt run
sbt compile
- While compiling it will warn on the deprecated function
[warn] /Users/conor/mess/sbt-examlpes/HelloWorld.scala:4:5: method hello in object Main is deprecated (since 1.0.0): remove this in method
[warn] hello()
[warn] ^
[warn] one warning found
Use a plugin in sbt
Adds the scalastyle plugin to the project.
File layout
addSbtPlugin("org.scalastyle" %% "scalastyle-sbt-plugin" % "1.0.0")
scalastyleFailOnError := true
scalastyleFailOnWarning := true
object Main extends App {
@deprecated("remove this in method", "1.0.0")
def hello() = println("Hello Martin")
SBT commands
sbt scalastyleGenerateConfig
sbt scalastyle
sbt scalastyle
- Checks the code for style
[warn] ./sbt-examlpes/src/main/scala/HelloWorld.scala:1: Header does not match expected text
[warn] ./sbt-examlpes/src/main/scala/HelloWorld.scala:2:4: Regular expression matched 'println'
[info] scalastyle Processed 1 file(s)
[info] scalastyle Found 0 errors
[info] scalastyle Found 2 warnings
[info] scalastyle Found 0 infos
[info] scalastyle Finished in 0 ms
Show how to call tasks from other tasks
Shows how a task can be ran by calling .value
on it.
File layout
val copy = taskKey[Unit]("copy")
val delete = taskKey[Unit]("delete")
val combine = taskKey[Unit]("combine")
copy := println("copy")
delete := println("delete")
combine := {
SBT commands
sbt combine
- Runs copy and delete tasks
Show to log out to the sbt logger
Rather than using println use the sbt logger to output to the console
File layout
val task = inputKey[Unit]("I am a task")
task := {
val s = streams.value"logged info")
s.log.warn("logged warn")
s.log.error("logged error")
SBT commands
sbt print
sbt print
[info] logged info
[warn] logged warn
[error] logged error
Show to take input into a task
Show how to parse input correctly
File layout
import sbt.complete._
import complete.DefaultParsers._
val myTask = inputKey[Unit]("This task takes a parameter!")
val stageEnv: Parser[String] = " staging"
val intEnv : Parser[String] = " integration"
val prodEnv : Parser[String] = " production"
val combinedParser: Parser[String] = stageEnv | intEnv | prodEnv
myTask := {
val environment = combinedParser.parsed.trim
val s = streams.value"Parameter was $environment")
SBT commands
sbt myTask <something>
sbt myTask staging
- prints out staging sbt myTask blah
[error] Expected end of input.
[error] Expected 'staging'
[error] Expected 'integration'
[error] Expected 'production'
[error] myTask blah
Check the dependencies of a build.sbt
A command to see all the dependenices that are being used
File layout
libraryDependencies += "org.scalatest" %% "scalatest" % "3.0.4" % "test"
SBT commands
sbt "inspect tree allDependencies"
[info] *:allDependencies = Task[scala.collection.Seq[sbt.librarymanagement.ModuleID]]
[info] +-*:libraryDependencies = List(org.scala-lang:scala-library:2.12.4, org.scalatest:scalatest:3.0.4:test)
[info] | +-*/*:autoScalaLibrary = true
[info] | +-*/*:managedScalaInstance = true
[info] | +-*/*:sbtPlugin = false
[info] | +-*/*:scalaHome = None
[info] | +-*/*:scalaOrganization = org.scala-lang
[info] | +-*/*:scalaVersion = 2.12.4
[info] |
[info] +-*/*:managedScalaInstance = true
[info] +-*:pluginCrossBuild::sbtDependency = org.scala-sbt:sbt:1.0.4
[info] | +-*/*:appConfiguration = xsbt.boot.AppConfiguration@531ed68e
[info] | +-*/*:pluginCrossBuild::sbtVersion = 1.0.4
[info] | +-*/*:scalaBinaryVersion = 2.12
[info] | +-*/*:scalaVersion = 2.12.4
[info] |
[info] +-*:projectDependencies = Task[scala.collection.Seq[sbt.librarymanagement.ModuleID]]
[info] | +-*/*:buildDependencies = sbt.internal.BuildDependencies@551976c2
[info] | +-*/*:settingsData = Task[sbt.internal.util.Settings[sbt.Scope]]
[info] | +-*:thisProjectRef = ProjectRef(file:/Users/conor/mess/sbt-examlpes/,sbt-examlpes)
[info] |
[info] +-*/*:sbtDependency = org.scala-sbt:sbt:1.0.4
[info] +-*/*:sbtPlugin = false
[info] +-*/*:scalaHome = None
[info] +-*:scalaModuleInfo = Some(ScalaModuleInfo(2.12.4, 2.12, Vector(), true, false, true, org.scala-lang, Vector(scala-library, scala-compiler, scala-..
[info] | +-*/*:scalaArtifacts = Vector(scala-library, scala-compiler, scala-reflect, scala-actors, scalap)
[info] | +-*/*:scalaOrganization = org.scala-lang
[info] | +-*/*:scalaBinaryVersion = 2.12
[info] | +-*/*:scalaVersion = 2.12.4
[info] |
[info] +-*/*:scalaOrganization = org.scala-lang
[info] +-*/*:scalaVersion = 2.12.4
Show all the tasks defined for this project
SBT commands
sbt "tasks -v"
bgRun Start an application's default main class as a background job
bgRunMain Start a provided main class as a background job
clean Deletes files produced by the build, such as generated sources, compiled classes, and task caches.
compile Compiles sources.
console Starts the Scala interpreter with the project classes on the classpath.
consoleProject Starts the Scala interpreter with the sbt and the build definition on the classpath and useful imports.
consoleQuick Starts the Scala interpreter with the project dependencies on the classpath.
copyResources Copies resources to the output directory.
deliver Generates the Ivy file for publishing to a repository.
deliverLocal Generates the Ivy file for publishing to the local repository.
dependencyClasspath The classpath consisting of internal and external, managed and unmanaged dependencies.
dependencyClasspathAsJars The classpath consisting of internal and external, managed and unmanaged dependencies, all as JARs.
doc Generates API documentation.
exportedProductJars Build products that go on the exported classpath as JARs.
exportedProductJarsIfMissing Build products that go on the exported classpath as JARs if missing.
exportedProductJarsNoTracking Just the exported classpath as JARs without triggering the compilation.
fullClasspath The exported classpath, consisting of build products and unmanaged and managed, internal and external dependencies.
fullClasspathAsJars The exported classpath, consisting of build products and unmanaged and managed, internal and external dependencies, all as JARs.
internalDependencyAsJars The internal (inter-project) classpath as JARs.
javaOptions Options passed to a new JVM when forking.
javacOptions Options for the Java compiler.
mainClass Defines the main class for packaging or running.
makePom Generates a pom for publishing when publishing Maven-style.
manipulateBytecode Manipulates generated bytecode
mappings Defines the mappings from a file to a path, used by packaging, for example.
package Produces the main artifact, such as a binary jar. This is typically an alias for the task that actually does the packaging.
packageBin Produces a main artifact, such as a binary jar.
packageDoc Produces a documentation artifact, such as a jar containing API documentation.
packageSrc Produces a source artifact, such as a jar containing sources and resources.
printWarnings Shows warnings from compilation, including ones that weren't printed initially.
publish Publishes artifacts to a repository.
publishLocal Publishes artifacts to the local Ivy repository.
publishM2 Publishes artifacts to the local Maven repository.
publishTo The resolver to publish to.
publisher Provides the sbt interface to publisher
run Runs a main class, passing along arguments provided on the command line.
runMain Runs the main class selected by the first argument, passing the remaining arguments to the main method.
scalacOptions Options for the Scala compiler.
test Executes all tests.
testOnly Executes the tests provided as arguments or all tests if no arguments are provided.
testOptions Options for running tests.
testQuick Executes the tests that either failed before, were not run or whose transitive dependencies changed, among those provided as arguments.
unmanagedClasspath Classpath entries (deep) that are manually managed.
unmanagedJars Classpath entries for the current project (shallow) that are manually managed.
unmanagedResources Unmanaged resources, which are manually created.
unmanagedSources Unmanaged sources, which are manually created.
update Resolves and optionally retrieves dependencies, producing a report.
updateClassifiers Resolves and optionally retrieves classified artifacts, such as javadocs and sources, for dependency definitions, transitively.
updateSbtClassifiers Resolves and optionally retrieves classifiers, such as javadocs and sources, for sbt, transitively.
woo Woo
Show how to rerun commands when code changes
By putting ~
before any command it puts sbt in a mode that reruns the last command
SBT commands
sbt ~compile
1. Waiting for source changes... (press enter to interrupt)
Configure how to run tasks in a seperate JVM
Setting the property fork
to true will kick it off in a new JVM
File layout
fork := true
Use older version of SBT through global sbt config file
File layout
# Sets the SBT version to use.
-sbt-version 0.13.12
Other options
# Disable ANSI color codes
# Starts sbt even if the current directory contains no sbt project.
# Path to global settings/plugins directory (default: ~/.sbt)
#-sbt-dir /etc/sbt
# Path to shared boot directory (default: ~/.sbt/boot in 0.11 series)
#-sbt-boot ~/.sbt/boot
# Path to local Ivy repository (default: ~/.ivy2)
#-ivy ~/.ivy2
# set memory options
#-mem <integer>
# Use local caches for projects, no sharing.
# Put SBT in offline mode.
# Sets the SBT version to use.
#-sbt-version 0.11.3
# Scala version (default: latest release)
#-scala-home <path>
#-scala-version <version>
# java version (default: java from PATH, currently $(java -version |& grep version))
#-java-home <path>